Please submit this homework as an R Markdown (Rmd) file. See the introduction to Problem Set 1 if you need more information about the Rmd format.

File name

Your file should use the following naming scheme

[last name]_ENS623_SP18_PS6.Rmd

For example,


Grading note

Problem 1, 3, 4 and the Bonus are worth 5 points; Problem 2 is worth 10 points.

Problem 1 - Poisson Distribution

Use the rpois function to draw 1000 samples from a Poisson Distribution, with \(\lambda = 1\) (set as lambda = 1). Make a histogram of the resulting data and describe the shape of the histogram.

Problem 2 - Exploring the Central Limit Theorem

Below is a piece of uncommented code. Go through this code, run it, and add a comment that explains each step where I have placed a # sign. Your comments should reflect that you understand what is happening in this code.

n_samples <- 1000

n_obs <- 1000

n_samples_means <- c()

for (int in 1:n_samples){
  obs <- rpois(n_obs, lambda = 1)
  obs_mean <-mean(obs)
  n_samples_means <- c(n_samples_means, obs_mean)

ggplot(data = NULL) +
  geom_histogram(aes(x = n_samples_means, y = ..density..))

Problem 3

Describe the shape of the histogram resulting from the code in Problem 2. Based on this exercise, what can you say about the distributional form of the sample mean?

Problem 4 - Standard Error of the Mean

Review Chapter 2.3 in Quinn and Keough. In your own words, describe what the standard error of the mean is.


How do the results of Problem 2 and 3 relate to the calculation of a Confidence Interval?